One Thousand Gifts
It seems like just yesterday I was wrapped up in wedding plans, and now we’re less than two weeks from Thanksgiving. Time flies! In the spirit of giving thanks, I thought I’d share a little book review + some nuggets of truth that I’m holding close this holiday season.
“As long as thanks is possible, then joy is always possible.” (Chapter 2)
After the wedding, I started reading “One Thousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp, and let me tell you… it’s ROCKING my world. It’s so good. Like “highlight every line” good. Good, but challenging. My journal is full of quotes I’ve jotted down, praying for the words to change me.
This book challenges you to name what you’re thankful for, to create a list of one thousand gifts. Sounded easy, until I started writing. I named everything that was on my mind, and only got to #40. Now I know that I have plenty more to be thankful for, but what I’m learning is that sometimes being thankful doesn’t come easy. Being thankful is sometimes an effort. Thankfulness is learned. Being a woman (or man) of thanks is a refining, lifelong practice. And thankfulness draws us closer to Him.
If you can get your hands on a copy of this book, hopefully you’ll experience the same excitement I do as I turn each page. Here are some of the many things I’m learning…
Ingratitude is the root of all sin.
“I believe the serpent's hissing lie, the repeating refrain of his campaign through the ages: God isn’t good. Satan’s sin becomes the first sin of all humanity – the sin of ingratitude. Our fall was, has always been, and always will be, that we aren’t satisfied in God and what He gives. We hunger for something more.” (Chapter 1)
Thanksgiving is evidence of salvation.
“Thanksgiving is the evidence of our acceptance of whatever He gives. Thanksgiving is the manifestation of our YES! to His grace. Thanksgiving is inherent to a true salvation experience. Thanksgiving is necessary to live the well, whole, fullest life.” (Chapter 2)
Being thankful is oh so needed for my walk with the Lord.
“Our salvation in Christ is real, yet the completeness of that salvation is not fully realized in a life until the life realizes the need to give thanks.” (Chapter 2)
Naming God’s gifts changes and strengthens my prayer life. I ASK of God less and praise Him more.
“This act of naming grace moments, this list of God’s gifts, moves beyond the shopping list variety of prayer and into the other side of prayer – the interior of his throne room, the inner walls of His powerful, love-beating heart. I see it now for what this really is, this dare to write down one thousand things I love. It really is a dare to name all the way that God loves me.” (Chapter 3)
In the busyness of life, being thankful gives me focus and makes me aware.
"Giving thanks for one thousand gifts is ultimately an invitation to slow down time with weight of full attention.” (Chapter 4)
If you’ve read “One Thousand Gifts” before, or if you pick up the book in the coming weeks and decide to start your own list of gifts, please let me know! Thomas loves hearing everything I’m learning, but book conversations are much more fun when the other person has read the book too.
Happy reading!
“Thanks multiplies the joy.” (Chapter 3)
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